
Family Resources

KIPP families: This school year’s bell schedule is as follows…

Breakfast (optional): 7:05 – 7:20 a.m.
School Day: 7:30 a.m. – 2:10 p.m.

General Resources
Downloads & Links
2023-24 KIPP Baltimore CSI plan
Title I Comprehensive Plan
2024-25 School Calendar
Attendance Policy
KIPP Harmony Uniform Policy Prek-5th
KIPP Ujima Uniform Policy
Uniform Vendors
KIPP Harmony School Supply List Pre K-5th
KIPP Ujima Village School Supply List
Transportation Vendors
Rales Health Center Resources
KIPP Parent Association (KPA) Bylaws
2022-23 Family Guide to City Schools
2022-23 City Schools Code of Conduct
2022-23 City Schools Family Resources
Media & Information Opt-Out Form

Coming soon…

Family Newsletters
Downloads & Links
KIPP Family Newsletter-September

Community Schools Resources

Ms. J. Handy is our Community Schools Coordinator. Ms.  J. Handy is a full-time member of the KIPP Baltimore staff who works with internal and external stakeholders to identify and provide for school, student, and family needs.  Her goal is to coordinate and identify new partnerships, and link students, families and community members to new and existing partnerships that support student success.  Ms. Handy can be reached during her office hours on Wednesdays from 7-10am via phone at 410-419-5747 or email at Jhandy@kippbaltimore.org.