
Support Our Work

Every student walks through the doors of school bearing gifts. Talent. Perspective. Drive. Inspiration. So at KIPP Baltimore, we support every student to see those gifts, then build the skills and confidence they need to thrive. Your generosity and partnership amplifies KIPPsters’ gifts.

There are many ways to support KIPP Baltimore!

Funding: KIPP Baltimore has to raise approximately $1.1 million this school year to supplement the allocation received from Baltimore City Public Schools. Contributions are extremely appreciated and put to great use!

Mail a Check

c/o Eryn Lessard
KIPP Baltimore
2000 Edgewood Street
Baltimore, MD 21216

Volunteer: If you are a KIPP Baltimore family, community association, or an individual, and you would like to volunteer, please reach out to Jabriera Handy, Community Schools Site Specialist, at Jhandy@kippbaltimore.org.  

Gifts in Kind: Gifts of books, musical instruments and other useful items are always welcome. Email us for more info.


"Thanks to KIPP, I was able to graduate on time and make connections and network with individuals in the entertainment industry. For that, and so much more, I am grateful."
